Data types in JavaScript

  • JavaScript has several built-in data types that can be used to represent different kinds of values. 

Here are the most commonly used data types in JavaScript:

  • Number: represents numeric values, such as 42, 3.14, -1.5, Infinity, and NaN (which stands for "Not a Number").
  • String: represents textual data, such as "hello", 'world', and "It's a beautiful day".
  • Boolean: represents a logical value that can be either true or false.
  • Undefined: represents a variable that has been declared but has not been assigned a value.
  • Null: represents a variable that has been explicitly assigned the value null, which means "no value".
  • Object: represents a collection of properties, which can be any data type, accessed using a key-value syntax. Objects can be created using the {} notation or the new Object() constructor.
  • Array: represents an ordered list of values, accessed using a zero-based index. Arrays can be created using the [] notation or the new Array() constructor.
  • Function: represents a reusable block of code that performs a specific task. Functions can be created using the function keyword or arrow function notation.
  • Symbol: represents a unique identifier that can be used as an object property. Symbols can be created using the Symbol() function.
  • In addition to these built-in data types, JavaScript also supports the concept of dynamically typed variables, which means that a variable can hold any type of data at any time. This makes JavaScript a flexible and powerful language, but it also means that you need to be careful to ensure that variables are assigned the correct data type when needed.
  • It's important to understand the different data types in JavaScript in order to write effective and bug-free code, and to be able to manipulate data and perform operations on it in the correct way.

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