Difference between JS and JSX

  • JSX is a syntax extension to JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like code in your JavaScript files. It's used in React to define the structure and content of your components.
Here are some of the key differences between JavaScript and JSX in React:
  • Syntax: JavaScript is a programming language that has its own syntax, whereas JSX is a syntax extension to JavaScript. In JSX, you can write HTML-like code inside your JavaScript files.
  • Component Structure: In JavaScript, you define components using functions or classes that return HTML elements or other components. In JSX, you define components using HTML-like syntax that is transformed into JavaScript code.
  • Dynamic content: In JavaScript, you can use variables and expressions to dynamically generate content. In JSX, you can use curly braces {} to include JavaScript expressions and variables inside your HTML-like code.
  • Attributes: In JavaScript, you set attributes using JavaScript syntax, such as element.setAttribute('attribute', 'value'). In JSX, you set attributes using HTML-like syntax, such as elementName attribute="value".
  • Conditional Rendering: In JavaScript, you can use conditional statements such as if and switch to conditionally render content. In JSX, you can use conditional statements within curly braces {} to conditionally render content.
  • Loops: In JavaScript, you can use loops such as for and while to generate content dynamically. In JSX, you can use loops such as map to generate lists of elements.
  • Compatibility: JavaScript is compatible with all browsers and can be run on the server-side as well as the client-side. JSX is specific to React and needs to be transpiled into JavaScript before it can be run in a browser or on a server.
  • In summary, JSX is a syntax extension to JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like code in your JavaScript files, and it's used in React to define the structure and content of your components. JavaScript is a programming language with its own syntax that is used to define the behavior of your React components.

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