History of React JS and Its Versions

  • ReactJS was created by Jordan Walke, a software engineer at Facebook, and was first released to the public in May 2013.
  • React was initially used in Facebook's News Feed and gradually gained popularity as a front-end technology.
  • In 2015, Facebook released React Native, a framework for building native mobile applications using React.
  • React Native allowed developers to use the same codebase to build applications for both web and mobile platforms.
Since its initial release, ReactJS has undergone several major updates and releases. Here are some notable versions:
  • React 0.3: This was the first public release of React in May 2013.
  • React 0.8: This release introduced the concept of "React components" and made it possible to use React with other libraries.
  • React 0.13: This release introduced a new syntax for defining components and added support for unidirectional data flow.
  • React 15: This release introduced the concept of "stateless functional components," which made it easier to write lightweight and reusable components.
  • React 16: This release introduced several new features, including support for error boundaries, a new rendering engine, and support for fragments.
  • React 16.3: This release introduced the Context API, which made it easier to manage state across multiple components.
  • React 16.8: This release introduced Hooks, which allow developers to use state and other React features in functional components.
  • React 17: This release focused on improving the compatibility and stability of React and did not introduce any major new features.
  • React 18: This is the latest version of React, which was released in 2021. React 18 is still in development and is expected to introduce new features and improvements, including better server-side rendering, improved suspense API, and improved performance.
  • ReactJS has a large and active community of developers and continues to be one of the most popular front-end technologies for building web and mobile applications.

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