Identifier in JavaScript

  • In JavaScript, an identifier is a name that is used to identify a variable, function, or object. An identifier must follow certain rules and conventions in order to be valid.

Here are the rules for valid identifiers in JavaScript:

  • An identifier can only contain letters (a-z or A-Z), digits (0-9), or the underscore (_) or dollar sign ($).
  • The first character of an identifier must be a letter, an underscore, or a dollar sign. It cannot be a digit.
  • Identifiers are case-sensitive, so "myVariable" and "myvariable" are considered two different identifiers.
  • Identifiers cannot be the same as reserved keywords, such as "if", "while", or "function".
  • Identifiers should be descriptive and meaningful, so that they can be easily understood by other developers.

Here are some examples of valid identifiers:

    var myVariable;
    var _myVariable;
    var $myVariable;
    var myFunction;

And here are some examples of invalid identifiers:

    var 123myVariable; // Cannot start with a digit
    var my-variable; // Cannot use a hyphen
    var function; // Cannot use a reserved keyword

  • In summary, identifiers are a fundamental part of JavaScript code, used to name and identify variables, functions, and objects. By following the rules and conventions for valid identifiers, developers can write clear, understandable, and maintainable code.

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