What is Vanilla JavaScript?

  • Vanilla JavaScript refers to plain or pure JavaScript code that is written without the use of any additional libraries or frameworks. It is sometimes also referred to as "raw" JavaScript.
  • Vanilla JavaScript is simply the core JavaScript language itself, without any additional abstractions or syntactic sugar provided by libraries or frameworks. This means that developers working with vanilla JavaScript must rely on the core JavaScript APIs and features to build applications, and they must write more low-level code to achieve their desired functionality.
  • While working with vanilla JavaScript can require more effort and expertise from developers, it can also provide greater control over the behavior of the application, and it can result in smaller and more efficient code. Additionally, relying on vanilla JavaScript can help developers build a deeper understanding of the language and its underlying principles.
  • Vanilla JavaScript is that it has a very active and passionate community of developers who contribute to its ongoing development and evolution. This community has created a wide variety of libraries, frameworks, and tools that make it easier to develop complex web applications using JavaScript.
  • Vanilla JavaScript has evolved significantly over the years, with new features and capabilities being added to the language with each new release. Some of the most recent additions to the language include features like async/await, template literals, and the spread operator, which have made it even more powerful and flexible for web development.
  • Overall, while there are many useful libraries and frameworks available to developers working with JavaScript, there are also many situations in which working with vanilla JavaScript can be a useful and valuable approach.

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