Decision Control Instructions in Javascript

  • In JavaScript, decision control instructions are used to make decisions based on certain conditions and to execute specific blocks of code depending on the result of those decisions.
There are several types of decision control instructions in JavaScript, including:
  • If statement: This statement is used to execute a block of code if a certain condition is true. The syntax is as follows:

    if (condition) {
        // Code to be executed if the condition is true

  • If...else statement: This statement is used to execute one block of code if a certain condition is true and another block of code if the condition is false.The syntax is as follows:

    if (condition) {
        // Code to be executed if the condition is true
    } else {
        // Code to be executed if the condition is false

  • If...else if...else statement: This statement is used to execute one block of code if a certain condition is true, another block of code if another condition is true, and a default block of code if none of the conditions are true. The syntax is as follows:

    if (condition1) {
        // Code to be executed if condition1 is true
    } else if (condition2) {
        // Code to be executed if condition2 is true
    } else {
        // Code to be executed if neither condition1 nor condition2 is true

  • Switch statement: This statement is used to execute different blocks of code depending on the value of a variable or expression. The syntax is as follows:

    switch (expression) {
        case value1:
            // Code to be executed if expression is equal to value1
        case value2:
            // Code to be executed if expression is equal to value2
            // Code to be executed if expression is not equal to any of the values

  • These decision control instructions are fundamental building blocks in JavaScript programming and are used extensively in many applications. They allow developers to write code that can make intelligent decisions based on certain conditions, which makes the code more powerful and flexible.

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