Event Delegation in JavaScript

  • Event delegation is a technique in JavaScript that allows you to listen for events on parent elements, rather than individual child elements. This is useful when you have a large number of child elements that you want to attach event listeners to, but you don't want to add listeners to each individual element.
  • Instead, you can attach a single event listener to the parent element, and then use the event object to determine which child element was clicked. This can help to improve performance and reduce code complexity.
  • Here's an example to illustrate event delegation in JavaScript:
    <!DOCTYPE html>

        <title>Event Delegation Example</title>

        <ul id="list">
            <li>Item 1</li>
            <li>Item 2</li>
            <li>Item 3</li>

            const list = document.querySelector('#list');

            list.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
                if (event.target.tagName === 'LI') {
                    console.log(`Clicked on ${event.target.textContent}`);

  • In this example, we have an unordered list (<ul>) with three list items (<li>). We want to attach a click event listener to each list item, but instead of doing that, we attach a single click event listener to the parent element, the <ul> element.
  • In the event listener function, we use the event object to check if the clicked element is an <li> element. If it is, we log a message to the console with the text content of the clicked element.
  • By using event delegation, we have reduced the amount of code we need to write and improved the performance of our application. If we had a larger list with many more items, this technique would be even more beneficial.

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