Understanding makemigrations and migrate command in Django

  • In Django, makemigrations and migrate are two commands used in the process of creating and updating a database schema.
  • makemigrations is used to create new database migrations based on changes made to your Django models. When you make changes to your models, such as adding a new field or changing the data type of a field, you need to create a migration file that describes these changes. The makemigrations command generates these migration files, which are Python files that Django uses to update the database schema.
  • For example, if you add a new field to your model, you would run the makemigrations command with the name of the app that contains the model:

    python manage.py makemigrations myapp

  • This would create a new migration file in the myapp/migrations directory.
  • Once you have created the migration files, you need to apply them to the database using the migrate command. The migrate command runs the migration files in order to update the database schema.
  • For example, to apply all the pending migrations to the database, you would run:

    python manage.py migrate

  • This would apply all the pending migrations in all installed apps.
  • Overall, makemigrations and migrate are two important commands in Django that allow you to manage database schema changes in a structured and organized manner.

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