What is object in Javascript

  • In JavaScript, an object is a collection of properties, where each property is identified by a key and has a value. Objects can be created using object literal notation, constructor notation, or object.create() method.
  • A property's value can be a number, string, function etc.
  • If a property's value is function, in which case the property is knows as method.
  • Here's an example of an object created using object literal notation:

    let person = {
        name: 'John',
        age: 30,
        address: {
            street: '123 Main St',
            city: 'New York',
            state: 'NY'

  • In this example, person is an object with three properties: name, age, and address. The address property is itself an object with three properties: street, city, and state.
  • Objects are commonly used in JavaScript because they allow us to group related data and functionality together in a structured way. This makes code more organized and easier to maintain, especially for large or complex applications.
  • One of the main benefits of objects in JavaScript is that they can contain both data and functionality. Properties can be values of any data type, including other objects or functions. This allows us to create objects that are more than just simple data containers.
  • Objects can also be used to model real-world objects or concepts, such as a user, a product, or an order. This can make code more intuitive and easier to understand, especially for developers who are familiar with the problem domain.
  • Another benefit of objects in JavaScript is that they can be dynamically modified at runtime. Properties can be added, deleted, or changed on the fly, which makes objects highly flexible and adaptable.
  • Overall, objects are a fundamental data type in JavaScript that allow us to organize related data and functionality together in a structured way. They can contain both data and functionality, and can be dynamically modified at runtime. This makes objects a powerful tool for building complex applications that are organized, maintainable, and flexible.

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