What is Temporal Dead Zone in Javascript

  • In JavaScript, the Temporal Dead Zone (TDZ) is a behavior that occurs when trying to access a variable before it has been initialized with a value.
  • The TDZ is a period of time between the creation of a variable and the moment when it is initialized, during which the variable cannot be accessed.
  • For example, consider the following code:

    console.log(x); // ReferenceError: Cannot access 'x' before initialization
    let x = 10;

  • In this example, we are trying to access the variable x before it is initialized. This results in a ReferenceError being thrown. This is because there is a TDZ for the variable x between the creation of the variable and its initialization.
  • To avoid the TDZ, we need to make sure that we access the variable only after it has been initialized. For example:

    let x = 10;
    console.log(x); // 10

  • In this example, we initialize the variable x before we try to access it, so there is no TDZ.
  • TDZs only apply to let and const variables. Variables declared with the var keyword are not affected by TDZs.
  • In summary, the Temporal Dead Zone is a behavior in JavaScript that prevents variables declared with let and const from being accessed before they are initialized. To avoid the TDZ, make sure to initialize the variable before accessing it.

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