Creating Private Properties and Methods in JavaScript

  • In JavaScript, there is no native support for private properties or methods. However, there are a few ways to achieve private properties and methods by using different techniques.
  • One common way to create private properties and methods in JavaScript is through closures. By defining a function inside another function, we can create a private scope that can only be accessed from within the outer function. This is called the module pattern.
  • Here's an example:

    function Car(model) {
        var _model = model; // private property

        function _startEngine() { // private method
            console.log("Starting the " + _model + " engine...");
        } = function () { // public method
            console.log("Driving the " + _model + " car.");

    var myCar = new Car("Tesla");; // Starting the Tesla engine... Driving the Tesla car.
    console.log(myCar._model); // undefined

  • In the example above, _model and _startEngine are private properties and methods respectively, as they are only accessible inside the Car constructor function. The drive method is a public method, as it is assigned to this and is accessible outside of the constructor function.
  • Using private properties and methods can help prevent unintended access and modification of an object's internal state. It also allows for encapsulation and information hiding, which can make the code more modular and easier to maintain.
  • For example, imagine you are building a library that includes a Person class. This class has a private property _name and a private method _greet. The public greet method calls the private _greet method and returns the result.
  • Here's an implementation:

    function Person(name) {
        var _name = name; // private property

        function _greet() { // private method
            return "Hello, my name is " + _name;

        this.greet = function () { // public method
            return _greet();

    var john = new Person("John");
    console.log(john.greet()); // Hello, my name is John
    console.log(john._name); // undefined

  • In this scenario, using private properties and methods helps ensure that the name property can only be accessed and modified through the greet method, which returns a formatted string. This encapsulation can help prevent bugs and improve code readability.
  • Overall, private properties and methods can be useful for maintaining data integrity, encapsulating implementation details, and creating a more modular and maintainable codebase.

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