padEnd Method in JavaScript

  • Certainly! The padEnd() method is another built-in method in JavaScript that is used to padding a string with another string until it reaches a specified length. It adds characters at the end of the string until the desired length is achieved.
  • The padEnd() method also takes two parameters: targetLength and padString.
  • targetLength: This parameter specifies the length of the resulting padded string. If the original string is already longer than or equal to the target length, no padding is applied.
  • padString (optional): This parameter is used to specify the string to pad the original string with. It is repeated as many times as necessary to reach the target length. If this parameter is not provided, the default padding character is a space (" ").

    const originalString = "Hello";
    const paddedString = originalString.padEnd(10, "x");

    // Output: "Helloxxxxx"

    const anotherString = "World";
    const paddedAnotherString = anotherString.padEnd(10);

    // Output: "World     "

  • In the first example, originalString has a length of 5. We want to pad it with "x" until it reaches a length of 10. The resulting string is "Helloxxxxx" because "x" is repeated 5 times at the end of the original string.
  • In the second example, anotherString has a length of 5. We want to pad it with spaces until it reaches a length of 10. Since we didn't provide padString, the default padding character (a space) is used. The resulting string is "World     " because it adds 5 spaces at the end of the original string.
  • Similar to padStart(), padEnd() also returns a new string with the padding applied, without modifying the original string. If the original string is already equal to or longer than the target length, no padding is performed, and the original string is returned as it is.

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