What is Number System in Computer Science

  • In computer science, the number system refers to the system used to represent and manipulate numbers in a computer. Computers primarily work with binary numbers, which are base-2 numbers composed of 0s and 1s.
Here are the commonly used number systems in computer science:
  • Binary (base-2): The binary number system uses only two digits, 0 and 1. It is the fundamental number system in computers, as the underlying hardware uses electronic switches that can represent these two states.
  • Decimal (base-10): The decimal number system is the number system most familiar to humans. It uses ten digits, 0 to 9. In computer science, decimal numbers are often used for representing non-integer values and for human-readable output.
  • Octal (base-8): The octal number system uses eight digits, 0 to 7. It is occasionally used in computer programming, particularly when dealing with permissions or bit manipulation. Each octal digit represents three binary digits.
  • Hexadecimal (base-16): The hexadecimal number system uses sixteen digits, 0 to 9 and A to F, where A represents 10, B represents 11, and so on up to F representing 15. Hexadecimal numbers are commonly used in computer programming to represent binary numbers more concisely. Each hexadecimal digit represents four binary digits.
  • These number systems are used for various purposes in computer science, including representing and manipulating data, performing calculations, encoding and decoding information, and addressing memory locations. Conversions between different number systems are frequently required, and computer scientists often work with these systems when dealing with low-level programming, digital logic, networking, and other related areas.
  • Each number system has its own advantages and disadvantages. The decimal number system is the easiest to understand and use, but it takes up more space than other number systems. The binary number system is the most efficient in terms of space, but it is more difficult to understand and use. The octal and hexadecimal number systems are a compromise between the decimal and binary number systems. They are easier to understand than binary numbers, but they take up less space than decimal numbers.

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