layout.js file in Next Js

  • In Next.js, the layout.js file is a custom component used for creating a layout template that can be reused across multiple pages in your application. It helps you define a consistent structure and appearance for your pages by encapsulating common elements like headers, footers, navigation menus, and other components that should appear on every page.
  • The layout.js file typically resides in the components directory of your Next.js project. It's a regular JavaScript or TypeScript file that exports a React component. Here's a basic example of a layout.js file:

    import Link from "next/link";

    export default function Layout({ children }) {
        return (<>
                    <Link href="/about/maleabout">Male About</Link>

                    <Link href="/about/femaleabout">Female About</Link>
                    <Link href="/about"> About</Link>


  • Conditionally Show common component in layout.js

    "use client"
    import Link from "next/link";
    import { usePathname } from "next/navigation";

    export default function Layout({ children }) {
        const pathname = usePathname()
        return (<>
            {pathname !== "/about/femaleabout" && (<>
                        <Link href="/about/maleabout">Male About</Link>

                        <Link href="/about/femaleabout">Female About</Link>
                        <Link href="/about"> About</Link>


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