Django Built-In User Model

  •  In Django, the built-in user model is provided by the `django.contrib.auth` module and is called `User`. It represents a user account and is commonly used for authentication and authorization purposes in Django projects.
The `User` model comes with the following fields:
  • username: A unique username for the user. It is used for user identification and must be unique among all users.
  • password: The user's password, stored as a hash for security purposes.
  • email: An optional field to store the user's email address. It can be used for various purposes, such as sending password reset emails or notifications.
  • first_name: The user's first name.
  • last_name: The user's last name.
  • is_active: A boolean field indicating whether the user account is active. Inactive users typically cannot log in to the application.
  • is_staff: A boolean field indicating whether the user is a staff member. Staff members may have additional permissions and access to certain administrative features.
  • is_superuser: A boolean field indicating whether the user is a superuser. Superusers have full administrative privileges and access to all areas of the Django project's administration interface.
  • date_joined: The date and time when the user account was created.
  • The `User` model also includes various methods and attributes provided by Django's authentication system. These methods include authentication-related functions like password management, checking permissions, and verifying user credentials.
  • While the built-in `User` model can be used in many cases, Django also provides a more flexible approach through the `AbstractUser` model. You can create a custom user model by inheriting from `AbstractUser` and adding additional fields or overriding existing ones to suit your application's specific requirements.
  • It's important to note that in recent versions of Django, there is a recommended approach to custom user models using the `AbstractBaseUser` and `PermissionsMixin` classes for greater flexibility and extensibility.

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