Explain about django template

  • Django is a popular Python web framework that follows the Model-View-Templates (MVT) architectural pattern. One of the key components of Django is its templating engine, which allows developers to create dynamic and reusable HTML templates for rendering data in web applications.
  • Django's templating engine uses a simple and expressive syntax that allows you to mix HTML with special template tags and variables. These template tags and variables are processed by the engine to generate the final HTML output.
  • Django templates are a key component of the Django web framework. They provide a way to generate dynamic HTML, XML, or other output formats by using placeholders and template tags. Templates in Django follow a syntax that allows you to insert variables, loops, conditionals, and other logic into your HTML code.
Here are some key concepts and features of Django templates:
  • Template files: Django templates are stored in separate files with the `.html` extension. These files can reside in a specific directory called "templates" within your Django project.
  • Django provides a flexible approach to organizing your template files. By default, Django looks for templates within a "templates" directory in each Django app. It's a good practice to group related templates within subdirectories based on their functionality or purpose.
  • For example, if you have an app named "blog" and want to organize templates for blog-related functionality, you can create a "templates/blog" directory and place the corresponding templates inside it. This approach keeps your project structured and makes it easier to locate and manage templates.
  • Template tags: Template tags are enclosed in `{% %}` tags and are used to perform various operations within the template. For example, you can use tags to iterate over lists or querysets, perform conditional logic, include other templates, etc.

        {% for person in persons %}
            Name: {{ person.Name }} | Age: {{ person.Age }}
        {% endfor %}

  • Template variables: Template variables are enclosed in `{{ }}` tags and are used to output dynamic data within the template. You can use variables to display values passed from the view or perform simple computations.

    <h1>Welcome, {{ user.username }}!</h1>

  • Filters: Filters modify the values of template variables. They are denoted by a pipe (`|`) character. Django provides built-in filters for common tasks such as formatting dates, converting text to uppercase or lowercase, etc. You can also create your own custom filters.

    <p>{{ description|truncatewords:20 }}</p>

  • Template inheritance: Django supports template inheritance, allowing you to create a base template with common elements and then extend it in other templates. This promotes code reusability and helps in maintaining consistent layouts across multiple pages.

    <!-- base.html -->

        <title>{% block title %}{% endblock %}</title>

        {% block content %}
        {% endblock %}


    <!-- child.html -->
    {% extends "base.html" %}

    {% block title %}
    My Page
    {% endblock %}

    {% block content %}
    <h1>Welcome to my page!</h1>
    {% endblock %}

  • Template tags and filters from Django's built-in libraries: Django provides a set of built-in template tags and filters for performing common operations like URL generation, form rendering, accessing the database, etc. These can be used to simplify the template code and enhance its functionality.
  • Django templates offer a flexible and efficient way to generate dynamic HTML content in your web applications. They promote separation of concerns by separating the presentation logic from the application's business logic, making it easier to maintain and update your code.

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