Explanation of Fields in the Built-in User Model in Django

  • The built-in User model in Django provides several fields to store user-specific information. 
Here's a detailed explanation of each field in the User model:
  • username: This field represents the username of the user. It is a unique identifier for each user and is commonly used for authentication and URL routing. The maximum length of the username field is 150 characters.
  • password: The password field stores the user's password. Django automatically hashes and stores the password in a secure manner using the PBKDF2 algorithm with a random salt. The actual password value is not stored directly in the database.
  • email: The email field stores the user's email address. It is used for communication purposes and can also serve as an alternative username for login. The email field is optional and can be left blank.
  • first_name: This field represents the user's first name. It is a character field with a maximum length of 30 characters.
  • last_name: The last_name field stores the user's last name. It is a character field with a maximum length of 150 characters.
  • is_staff: This field is a boolean flag that determines whether the user has staff/administrative access to the Django admin interface. By default, this field is set to False. If a user is marked as staff, they can access and manage the admin site.
  • is_active: The is_active field is a boolean flag that indicates whether the user account is active or not. When set to False, the user is considered inactive and cannot log in. This field can be used to disable user accounts temporarily or permanently.
  • date_joined: This field stores the date and time when the user account was created. It is automatically set to the current date and time when a new user is registered.
  • last_login: The last_login field stores the date and time when the user last logged in. This field is automatically updated each time the user successfully logs in.
  • In addition to these fields, the User model also inherits some fields and methods from the AbstractBaseUser and PermissionsMixin classes. These provide additional functionality related to authentication, permissions, and user groups.
  • It's important to note that Django allows you to extend the User model or create a custom user model with your own fields if the built-in User model doesn't meet your requirements.

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