How to Configure MySQL Command and Set Environment Variable in Windows OS

  • To configure MySQL command and set environment variables in Windows OS, follow these steps:
Install MySQL:
  • If you haven't already installed MySQL, download the MySQL Installer from the official website and follow the installation instructions.
Add MySQL Bin Directory to PATH:
  • To use MySQL commands from any location in the command prompt, you need to add the MySQL binary directory to the PATH environment variable.
  • Find the MySQL bin directory: The default installation path is usually something like `C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server X.X\bin`. Note down this directory path.
Set the PATH environment variable:
  • Press `Windows + X` on your keyboard and select "System."
  • Click on "Advanced system settings" on the left.
  • In the System Properties window, click on the "Environment Variables" button.
  • In the Environment Variables window, under the "System variables" section, scroll down to find the "Path" variable and select it.
  • Click the "Edit" button.
  • In the Edit Environment Variable window, click the "New" button and enter the MySQL bin directory path you noted down earlier.
  • Click "OK" on all the windows to save the changes.
Verify MySQL Command Configuration:
  • Open a new command prompt window.
  • Type `mysql --version` and press Enter.
  •  If everything is configured correctly, it should display the version information of MySQL.
Set MySQL Environment Variable (Optional):
  • You might want to set a separate environment variable for MySQL, though it is not strictly necessary. This can be useful if you have multiple MySQL installations or plan to update MySQL in the future.
  • Find the MySQL installation directory: The default path is usually something like `C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server X.X`. Note down this directory path.
Set the MySQL environment variable:
  • Press `Windows + X` on your keyboard and select "System."
  • Click on "Advanced system settings" on the left.
  • In the System Properties window, click on the "Environment Variables" button.
  • In the Environment Variables window, click the "New" button under the "User variables" section.
  • For the "Variable name," enter `MYSQL_HOME`.
  • For the "Variable value," enter the MySQL installation directory path you noted down earlier (e.g., `C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server X.X`).
  • Click "OK" on all the windows to save the changes.
Verify MySQL Environment Variable (Optional):
  • Open a new command prompt window.
  • Type `echo %MYSQL_HOME%` and press Enter.
  • If the environment variable is set correctly, it should display the MySQL installation directory path.
  • Now, you have successfully configured MySQL commands and set the environment variable in Windows OS. You can use MySQL commands like `mysql`, `mysqldump`, etc., from any location in the command prompt.

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