Selecting MySQL Database Through Command Line and MySQL Workbench: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • To select a MySQL database through the command line and MySQL Workbench, follow these steps:
Command Line:
  • Open a Terminal or Command Prompt on your computer.
  • Launch the MySQL Command Line client by typing the following command and pressing Enter:

    mysql -u your_username -p

  • Replace `your_username` with your actual MySQL username. You will be prompted to enter your MySQL password after executing this command.
  • After entering the password, you should now be in the MySQL command-line interface.
  • To select a specific database, use the following command:

    USE database_name;

  • Replace `database_name` with the name of the database you want to select. If the database exists, you will switch to it, and any subsequent commands will be applied to that database.
  • You can verify that the database has been selected by running the following command:


  • This will display the name of the currently selected database.
MySQL Workbench:
  • Open MySQL Workbench.
  • Connect to your MySQL Server by clicking on the "+" icon next to "MySQL Connections" in the Home tab, and then enter your connection details (hostname, username, and password).
  • After successfully connecting to the server, you will see your server listed under "MySQL Connections." Double-click on the server to open the connection.
  • In the Navigator pane (left-hand side), you'll find a section called "SCHEMAS." This section lists all the databases available on the MySQL server.
  • Click on the database you want to work with, and MySQL Workbench will set that database as the default. Any queries or operations you run in MySQL Workbench will be applied to the selected database.
  • Please note that in MySQL Workbench, you do not need to use the `USE` command explicitly. Instead, you can simply click on the database you want to work with in the Navigator pane.
  • By following these steps, you can easily select a MySQL database using both the command line and MySQL Workbench.

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