Strings Datatype in MySQL


  • In MySQL, the VARCHAR datatype stands for "Variable-length Character." It is used to store variable-length strings, which means that the length of the data can vary up to a maximum specified limit.

Here's a detailed explanation of the VARCHAR datatype in MySQL:

  • The syntax to define a VARCHAR column is as follows:


  • "n" represents the maximum number of characters that the VARCHAR column can hold.
  • The value of "n" can range from 1 to 65,535 in MySQL. However, it's essential to choose an appropriate length that fits your specific data requirements.
  • VARCHAR columns use only the amount of storage required by the actual data stored in them, plus a small overhead for the length of the data.
  • Unlike CHAR, which always uses the maximum defined length for storage, VARCHAR is more space-efficient for shorter strings.
  • VARCHAR does not pad the stored values with additional spaces to reach the defined length. It only uses the exact amount of storage required by the data.
  • For example, if you define a VARCHAR(50) column and store a string of 10 characters, it will only use storage for those 10 characters, not the full 50.
  • VARCHAR is commonly used for storing strings with variable lengths, such as names, addresses, descriptions, emails, and other textual data that can vary in length.


  • Suppose you have a table named "users" with a column called "email," and you want to store email addresses in that column. You can define the "email" column as VARCHAR with an appropriate maximum length, like VARCHAR(100).

    CREATE TABLE users (
        id INT PRIMARY KEY,
        username VARCHAR(50),
        email VARCHAR(100)

  • In this example, the "username" column can hold up to 50 characters, and the "email" column can hold email addresses with a maximum length of 100 characters.
  • Remember to choose the maximum length wisely based on the expected data length to strike a balance between data flexibility and storage efficiency.

  • In MySQL, the CHAR datatype represents a fixed-length character string. It is used to store strings with a constant length, which means that the data will always occupy the same amount of storage, regardless of the actual length of the stored string.
Here's a detailed explanation of the CHAR datatype in MySQL:
  • The syntax to define a CHAR column is as follows:


  • "n" represents the fixed length of the CHAR column, specifying the maximum number of characters it can hold.
  • The value of "n" can range from 1 to 255 in MySQL, depending on the version.
  • CHAR columns always use the maximum defined length for storage, padding the data with spaces if the actual string length is shorter than the defined length.

  • For example, if you define a CHAR(20) column and store a string of 10 characters, it will use storage for the full 20 characters, padding the remaining 10 characters with spaces.
  • CHAR can be more efficient than VARCHAR when dealing with fixed-length data because there is no overhead to store the length of the data.
  • CHAR is commonly used for storing data with a consistent and fixed length, such as codes, fixed-length identifiers, or any data that will always have the same length.
  • Suppose you have a table named "employees," and you want to store employee IDs with a fixed length of 5 characters. You can define the "employee_id" column as CHAR(5).

    CREATE TABLE employees (
        id INT PRIMARY KEY,
        employee_name VARCHAR(50),
        employee_id CHAR(5)

  • In this example, the "employee_id" column will always take up 5 characters of storage, regardless of the actual length of the employee ID.
  • Keep in mind that CHAR is more appropriate when the data has a consistent and fixed length. If you have variable-length data, consider using VARCHAR instead to avoid unnecessary padding and save storage space.

  • In MySQL, the TEXT datatype is used to store large amounts of textual data. It allows you to store variable-length strings with a significantly larger capacity than VARCHAR.
Here's a detailed explanation of the TEXT datatype in MySQL:
  • The TEXT datatype is used to store large textual data, such as articles, blog posts, comments, or any content that exceeds the VARCHAR limit.
  • There are four variations of the TEXT datatype in MySQL: TINYTEXT, TEXT, MEDIUMTEXT, and LONGTEXT.
  • Each variation has a different maximum capacity, allowing you to choose the appropriate one based on the expected size of the textual data.
Types of TEXT Datatypes:

    • Maximum capacity: 255 characters.
    • Suitable for short texts or small pieces of data.
  • TEXT:
    • Maximum capacity: 65,535 characters.
    • Ideal for storing large amounts of textual data like articles or long descriptions.
    • Maximum capacity: 16,777,215 characters.
    • Suited for even larger amounts of textual data compared to TEXT.
    • Maximum capacity: 4,294,967,295 characters.
    • Can store extremely large textual data.
  • TEXT data is stored separately from the table's regular data, which can have implications for performance when dealing with large datasets.
  • When you access a TEXT column, MySQL fetches the data separately, which may result in slightly slower retrieval times compared to VARCHAR or CHAR.


    • Suppose you have a table named "articles," and you want to store the content of the articles. You can define the "content" column as TEXT.

        CREATE TABLE articles (
            id INT PRIMARY KEY,
            title VARCHAR(100),
            content TEXT

    • In this example, the "content" column can store large amounts of textual data, making it suitable for storing the article content.
    • Remember that while TEXT is useful for large textual data, it's essential to strike a balance between capacity and performance. For shorter text, consider using VARCHAR, and reserve TEXT for data that truly exceeds the limits of other string datatypes.

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