Void Type in TypeScript

  • In TypeScript, the `void` type represents the absence of any type. It is used to indicate that a function does not return a value or that a variable has no specific type associated with it.
  • When a function has a return type of `void`, it means that the function does not return any value. Here's an example:

    function greet(): void {

  • In this example, the `greet` function doesn't have a return statement and its return type is `void`. It simply logs a message to the console and doesn't produce any meaningful value.
  • The `void` type can also be used as the type of a variable when you want to explicitly indicate that the variable doesn't have a specific type or value. For instance:

    let result: void;
    result = undefined; // Valid
    result = null; // Valid
    result = 10; // Invalid - can't assign a value of type number to a void variable

  • In the above code, the variable `result` is explicitly assigned the `void` type. It can only be assigned the values `undefined` or `null`, which represent the absence of a meaningful value.
  • In general, the `void` type is commonly used for functions that perform side effects but don't produce any meaningful return value, such as logging, updating the DOM, or making network requests.

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