What is CRUD Operations in Django

  • In Django, CRUD refers to the basic operations performed on data stored in a database. It stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete, which are the fundamental actions for managing persistent data.
Here's a brief explanation of each CRUD operation in Django:
  • Create (C): Creating a new record in the database. In Django, this involves creating an instance of a model and saving it to the database using the `save()` method.
  • Read (R): Retrieving data from the database. In Django, you can use querysets to retrieve data from the database based on certain conditions or retrieve all records. Examples include using the `all()` method to get all records of a model or using filters like `filter()` or `get()` to retrieve specific records.
  • Update (U): Modifying an existing record in the database. In Django, you can retrieve a specific record from the database, update its fields, and save the changes using the `save()` method.
  • Delete (D): Removing a record from the database. In Django, you can retrieve a specific record from the database and delete it using the `delete()` method.
  • These operations are performed using Django's object-relational mapping (ORM) system, which allows you to interact with the database using Python code and abstracts away the underlying SQL queries. Django provides a high-level API for performing CRUD operations, making it easier to work with database records in a web application.
  • Here is the sample project to implement CRUD operation in django.

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