What is DataType in MySQL Database

  • In a MySQL database, a datatype is an attribute or property that defines the type of data that can be stored in a particular column of a table. Each column in a table must have a specified datatype that indicates the kind of data it can hold. The datatype of a column determines how MySQL stores, retrieves, and handles the data in that column.
  • MySQL supports a variety of datatypes to accommodate different types of data, ranging from integers and floating-point numbers to strings, dates, and more. Choosing the appropriate datatype for each column is crucial for data accuracy, storage efficiency, and query performance.
Here are some common datatypes used in MySQL:

Numeric Datatypes:
  • INT: Integer type, used for whole numbers.
  • BIGINT: Larger integer type for bigger whole numbers.
  • DECIMAL: Exact numeric type, used for precise decimal numbers.
  • FLOAT: Floating-point type for approximate numeric values.
  • DOUBLE: Double-precision floating-point type for more significant range and precision.
String Datatypes:
  • VARCHAR: Variable-length character string.
  • CHAR: Fixed-length character string.
  • TEXT: Variable-length text string for larger amounts of textual data.
Date and Time Datatypes:
  • DATE: Stores a date value in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
  • TIME: Represents a time value in the format 'HH:MM:SS'.
  • DATETIME: Stores both date and time in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'.
  • TIMESTAMP: Automatically updated timestamp, useful for tracking record modifications.
Boolean Datatype:
  • BOOLEAN or BOOL: A boolean datatype to store true/false values.
Binary Datatypes:
  • BINARY: Fixed-length binary data.
  • VARBINARY: Variable-length binary data.
  • BLOB: Binary large object for larger binary data.
Enumerated Datatype:
  • ENUM: A set of predefined string values from which one can be chosen.
Set Datatype:
  • SET: The SET datatype is used to store multiple options as a comma-separated list of strings from a predefined set of values.
  • These datatypes provide a way to ensure data integrity and efficiently store and retrieve data in MySQL tables. When creating a table or modifying its structure, specifying the appropriate datatype for each column is essential to ensure that the data is stored correctly and can be queried and processed efficiently.

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