What is Superuser in Django and How it create

  • In Django, the term "superuser" refers to a user account that has administrative privileges and full access to the Django project's administration interface.
  • Superusers have the ability to perform various administrative tasks, such as managing user accounts, accessing and modifying database records, managing site settings, and performing other actions that regular users may not have permission to do.
  • When you create a Django project and run the initial database migrations, a superuser account is automatically created for you.
  • This superuser account has elevated privileges and can be used to manage the project's administration interface.
  • The superuser can log in to the Django admin site using their credentials and access the various administrative features provided by Django.
  • To create a superuser manually, you can use the Django management command called `createsuperuser`.
  • By running this command from the command line or terminal, you can provide the necessary information such as username, email (optional), and password to create a superuser account.
Here's an example:

    python manage.py createsuperuser

  • Once the superuser account is created, you can use the provided credentials to log in to the Django admin site and perform administrative tasks as needed.

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