BIGINT DataType in MySQL

  • In MySQL Workbench, the BIGINT data type is used to store large integer values with an extensive range. It occupies 8 bytes (64 bits) of storage and can represent whole numbers. Like other integer data types, BIGINT can be signed or unsigned, providing flexibility based on the range of values you need to store.
Let's explore the details of the BIGINT data type:
  • BIGINT (Signed):
    • Size: 8 bytes (64 bits)
    • Range: The signed BIGINT data type can store values from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.
    • Usage: Use the signed BIGINT when you need to store large integer values that can be both positive and negative.
Example of creating a table with a signed BIGINT column:

    CREATE TABLE example_table (
        id BIGINT,
        total_sales BIGINT

  • BIGINT UNSIGNED (Unsigned):
    • Size: 8 bytes (64 bits)
    • Range: The unsigned BIGINT data type can store values from 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615.
    • Usage: Use the unsigned BIGINT when you need to store large integer values that are always non-negative (positive).
Example of creating a table with an unsigned BIGINT column:

    CREATE TABLE example_table (
        user_id BIGINT UNSIGNED,
        account_balance BIGINT UNSIGNED

  • The BIGINT data type is suitable when you need to store very large integer values that go beyond the range of other integer data types like INT, SMALLINT, or TINYINT. It is commonly used for columns representing unique identifiers, primary keys, or other values that require a broad range.
  • By utilizing 64 bits of storage, BIGINT can handle extremely large numbers, making it a robust choice for applications that deal with vast amounts of data or need to accommodate unique identifiers with very high values.
When choosing between signed and unsigned BIGINT, consider the nature of the data you are dealing with:
  • Use Signed BIGINT: When you need to represent large integer values that can be both positive and negative.
  • Use Unsigned BIGINT: When you need to represent large integer values that are guaranteed to be non-negative (positive) and you want to maximize the range of positive values.
  • Keep in mind that with the vast range offered by BIGINT, you should consider whether the specific data you need to store requires such a large capacity. In many cases, a smaller integer data type like INT or even SMALLINT may be sufficient and more efficient in terms of storage.
  • As always, choosing the appropriate data type is crucial for data accuracy and efficient storage in your MySQL database. Using a data type that is too large may lead to unnecessary storage consumption, while using a data type that is too small can result in data truncation or loss of precision.

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