ENUM Datatype in MySQL

  • In MySQL, the ENUM datatype is used to define a column that can have one value chosen from a predefined set of string values. It allows you to create a list of allowed options, and the column can only store one of those predefined values. Here's a detailed explanation of the ENUM datatype in MySQL:
  • The ENUM datatype is used to create a column with a fixed set of allowed string values.
  • Each value in the ENUM must be unique; duplicate values are not allowed.
  • The syntax to define an ENUM column is as follows:

    ENUM('value1', 'value2', ..., 'valueN')

  • "value1", "value2", ..., "valueN" represent the allowed values in the ENUM.
  • You define the list of allowed values when creating the table.
  • Internally, an ENUM value is represented as an index of the selected value in the defined list.
  • The storage size of an ENUM depends on the number of unique values in the list, which affects the number of bits required to represent the index.
  • The ENUM datatype is commonly used for columns where the value must be one of a specific set of choices, such as gender (e.g., 'male' or 'female') or status (e.g., 'active' or 'inactive').
  • ENUM is efficient in terms of storage, as it represents a single value from a predefined list as an index.
  • However, be cautious when modifying the allowed values of an ENUM, as it can lead to unexpected results if the stored values don't match the new list of allowed values.
  • While you can add new values to an ENUM, removing or reordering values can cause data inconsistency if the stored values don't match the new list.
  • If you need more flexibility to modify the set of allowed values, consider using the SET datatype instead.
  • Suppose you have a table named "students," and you want to store the gender of each student. You can define the "gender" column as an ENUM.

    CREATE TABLE students (
        id INT PRIMARY KEY,
        name VARCHAR(100),
        gender ENUM('male', 'female')

  • In this example, the "gender" column can store either 'male' or 'female' as the allowed values.
  • When inserting data, you can use one of the allowed values:

    INSERT INTO students (id, name, gender) VALUES (1, 'John Doe', 'male');

  • In this case, the student with ID 1 has 'male' as their gender.
  • Remember that ENUM is suitable for columns with a fixed set of allowed values. If you need more flexibility for multiple options, consider using the SET datatype instead.

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