INT DataType in MySQL

INT Datatype
  • In MySQL Workbench, the INT (integer) data type is used to store whole numbers. It is one of the most commonly used numeric data types for representing whole numbers that don't have decimal places. The INT data type in MySQL has a fixed size, which means it can store a specific range of values depending on whether it is signed or unsigned.
Here is a detailed explanation of the INT data type in MySQL Workbench:
  • INT (Signed):
    • Size: 4 bytes (32 bits)
    • Range: The signed INT data type can store values from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
    • Usage: Use the signed INT when you need to store whole numbers that can be both positive and negative.

        CREATE TABLE example_table (
            id INT,
            age INT

    • INT UNSIGNED (Unsigned):
      • Size: 4 bytes (32 bits)
      • Range: The unsigned INT data type can store values from 0 to 4,294,967,295.
      • Usage: Use the unsigned INT when you need to store only positive whole numbers to maximize the range of values you can store.

        CREATE TABLE example_table (
            user_id INT UNSIGNED,
            points INT UNSIGNED

    • It's essential to choose the appropriate variant of the INT data type based on your specific requirements.
    Here are some considerations:
    • If you expect to store only positive values and need a larger range of positive values, use the INT UNSIGNED data type.
    • If you need to store both positive and negative values or if the range of values is likely to include negative numbers, use the signed INT data type.
    • When selecting the appropriate size and type for your database columns, consider the range of values your application might handle, and choose the data type that can accommodate that range while minimizing storage requirements. Using a data type that is too large can lead to wasted storage space, while using a data type that is too small may result in data truncation or loss of precision.

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