Download and Install Node Js

  • Downloading and installing Node.js is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide for downloading and installing Node.js on your system:
For Windows:
  • Download LTS Version: On the homepage, you'll see two versions: LTS (Long Term Support) and Current. It's recommended to download the LTS version for stable releases.
    • Click on the "LTS" button to download the LTS version.
  • Run the Installer:
    • Once the installer is downloaded, run the executable file (e.g., `node-v14.17.5-x64.msi`).
    • Follow the on-screen instructions in the Node.js Setup Wizard.
  • Accept License Agreement:
    • Read and accept the license agreement.
    • Click "Next" to proceed.
  • Choose Installation Options:
    • You can leave the default settings as they are.
    • Click "Next."
  • Select Destination Folder:
    • Choose the destination folder where Node.js will be installed.
    • Click "Next."
  • Install:
    • Click "Install" to start the installation process.
  • Complete Installation:
    • Once the installation is complete, click "Finish."
  • Verify Installation:
    • Open a command prompt or PowerShell window.
    • Type `node -v` and press Enter. This should display the installed Node.js version.
    • Type `npm -v` and press Enter. This should display the installed npm version.
For macOS:
  • Download LTS Version:
    • On the homepage, you'll see two versions: LTS (Long Term Support) and Current. It's recommended to download the LTS version for stable releases.
    • Click on the "LTS" button to download the LTS version.
  • Run the Installer:
    • Once the installer is downloaded, open the package file (e.g., `node-v14.17.5.pkg`).
    • Follow the on-screen instructions in the Node.js Installer.
  • Accept License Agreement:
    • Read and accept the license agreement.
    • Click "Continue."
  • Choose Installation Location:
    • Leave the default installation location as it is.
    • Click "Install."
  • Enter Password:
    • Enter your system password when prompted.
    • Click "Install Software."
  • Complete Installation:
    • Once the installation is complete, click "Close."
  • Verify Installation:
    • Open a terminal window.
    • Type `node -v` and press Enter. This should display the installed Node.js version.
    • Type `npm -v` and press Enter. This should display the installed npm version.
  • Now, you have Node.js and npm installed on your system, and you're ready to start building Node.js applications.

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