REPL in Node Js

  • REPL stands for "Read-Eval-Print Loop," and it is an interactive programming environment available in many programming languages, including Node.js. In the context of Node.js, the REPL is a command-line tool that allows you to enter JavaScript commands and immediately see their results. It provides a quick and interactive way to experiment with JavaScript code, test snippets, and explore language features.
Here's how you can use the Node.js REPL:
  • Open the Terminal or Command Prompt:
    • For Windows, you can use Command Prompt or PowerShell.
    • For macOS/Linux, use the terminal.
  • Type `node` and Press Enter:
    • Simply type `node` and press Enter in the terminal to start the Node.js REPL.


  • Interact with the REPL:
    • Once you see the `>` prompt, you can enter JavaScript code directly.
    • For example, you can perform basic calculations, define variables, or create functions.

    > 2 + 3

    > let message = "Hello, Node.js!"
    > console.log(message)
    Hello, Node.js!

  • Exit the REPL:
    • To exit the REPL, you can type `.exit` or press `Ctrl + C` twice.

    > .exit

  • Alternatively, you can press `Ctrl + D`.
  • The Node.js REPL is a handy tool for learning and experimenting with JavaScript without the need for creating full scripts or applications. It allows you to quickly test code snippets, understand how certain JavaScript features work, and troubleshoot code interactively. Additionally, it provides a space for trying out Node.js-specific modules and functions in an immediate and responsive manner.

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