code tag in HTML

  • The `<code>` tag in HTML is used to display a piece of computer code. Unlike the `<pre>` tag, which is used for preserving the formatting of preformatted text, the `<code>` tag by itself doesn't preserve whitespace or line breaks. However, it does signify that the text is computer code and is typically displayed in the browser using a monospace (fixed-width) font. This distinction helps to visually separate code from other text in a document.
Key Features of the `<code>` Tag:
  • Semantic: The `<code>` tag is a semantic HTML element, meaning it provides information about the type of content it encloses — in this case, indicating that the content is a piece of code.
  • Default Presentation: Browsers usually display content within a `<code>` tag using a monospace font, which ensures that each character has the same width, a common convention for displaying code to make it more readable.
  • Inline Element: The `<code>` tag is an inline element, meaning it does not start on a new line and only takes up as much width as necessary. This is suitable for incorporating code snippets within regular text.
When to Use the `<code>` Tag:
  • Short Code Snippets: For embedding short pieces of code within paragraphs or sentences where you don't need to preserve specific formatting.
  • Technical Writing: When writing technical content or tutorials, you can use the `<code>` tag to highlight commands, function names, variables, or other code elements.
  • Combining with `<pre>`: For longer code blocks where formatting and whitespace need to be preserved, wrap the `<code>` tag inside a `<pre>` tag. This combination (`<pre><code>...</code></pre>`) ensures that the code is both semantically marked and formatted correctly.
Example Usage:
  • Inline Code Snippet:

    <p>To create a link, you can use the <code>&lt;a&gt;</code> tag in HTML.</p>

  • This example demonstrates how to use the `<code>` tag to display an HTML tag as a code snippet within a sentence.
  • Block of Code:

            function greet() {
                console.log("Hello, World!");

  • Here, the `<code>` tag is wrapped inside a `<pre>` tag to display a block of code with preserved formatting.
  • Styling the `<code>` Tag:
  • You can use CSS to style the `<code>` tag to enhance its appearance or to match the style of your website. For example:

    code {
        background-color: #f4f4f4;
        padding: 2px 4px;
        border-radius: 4px;
        font-size: 16px;

  • This CSS adds a light gray background, some padding, rounded corners, and sets the font size for better readability.
Best Practices:
  • Use for Code Only: Use the `<code>` tag exclusively for computer code snippets. For other typographic elements, HTML provides other tags (like `<em>` for emphasis).
  • Accessibility: Consider accessibility implications. For larger code blocks, especially those that might be used by people copying code for practical use, ensure that the formatting is clear and accessible.
  • The `<code>` tag is a simple yet effective way to semantically indicate that text is a piece of computer code, enhancing both the readability and the structure of technical content in web documents.

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