Implementing Auto-Logout on Inactivity in React Js

  • To implement functionality in React JS that automatically logs out the user after 10 minutes of inactivity following their login, you can follow these steps. This functionality involves setting up a timer that resets with any user activity on the page and logs the user out if no activity is detected within the specified time limit. Here's how to achieve this:
Step 1: Tracking User Activity
  • To track user activities like mouse movements, clicks, keyboard inputs, and scrolling, you can use event listeners. These listeners will ensure that any user activity resets the inactivity timer.
Step 2: Setting Up the Timer
  • Whenever user activity is detected, you need to set up a timer that counts down from 10 minutes. If no further activity is detected during this period, the session should be considered expired, and the user should be logged out.
Step 3: Implementing the Logout Functionality
  • If the timer expires without detecting any activity, you'll need to implement the functionality to log the user out. This usually involves invalidating the server-side session and redirecting the user to the login page on the client side.
Implementation Example with Scroll Activity

    import React, { useEffect } from 'react';

    const LogoutTimer = () => {
        let logoutTimer;

        const handleUserActivity = () => {
            logoutTimer = setTimeout(() => {
                // Implement logout functionality here
                console.log('User logged out due to inactivity.');
                // Example: Clear user session and redirect to login page
                // sessionStorage.clear();
                // window.location.href = '/login';
            }, 600000); // 10 minutes in milliseconds

        useEffect(() => {
            // Add event listeners for various user activities
            window.addEventListener('mousemove', handleUserActivity);
            window.addEventListener('keypress', handleUserActivity);
            window.addEventListener('click', handleUserActivity);
            window.addEventListener('scroll', handleUserActivity, true); // Capturing scroll activity

            // Cleanup function to remove event listeners
            return () => {
                window.removeEventListener('mousemove', handleUserActivity);
                window.removeEventListener('keypress', handleUserActivity);
                window.removeEventListener('click', handleUserActivity);
                window.removeEventListener('scroll', handleUserActivity);
        }, []);

        return (
                {/* Your application's components */}

    export default LogoutTimer;

  • In this example, the `useEffect` hook is used to add and remove event listeners when the component mounts and unmounts, respectively. The `handleUserActivity` function resets the logout timer whenever the user performs any activity, including scrolling. If there's no activity for 10 minutes, the callback function for `setTimeout` executes the logout functionality.
  • This basic implementation may need adjustments based on your specific requirements, such as verifying the user's login status before setting the timer or implementing a more complex session management strategy.

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