Navigator API in JavaScript

  • The Navigator API in JavaScript provides access to various information about the web browser and the device on which the browser is running. It's a part of the `window.navigator` object.
Here is a detailed explanation of the properties and methods available in the Navigator API:


  • appCodeName: Returns the code name of the browser. For most browsers, this property returns "Mozilla".

    console.log(navigator.appCodeName); // "Mozilla"

  • appName: Returns the name of the browser. This is mostly "Netscape" for modern browsers due to historical reasons.

    console.log(navigator.appName); // "Netscape"

  • appVersion: Returns the version information of the browser as a string.

    console.log(navigator.appVersion); // "5.0 (Windows)"

  • platform: Returns the platform on which the browser is running.

    console.log(navigator.platform); // "Win32" or "MacIntel"

  • userAgent: Returns the user agent string for the current browser. This string contains information about the browser version, platform, and more.

    // "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36"

  • language: Returns the preferred language of the user, usually the language set in the browser.

    console.log(navigator.language); // "en-US"

  • languages: Returns an array of languages known to the user, sorted by preference.

    console.log(navigator.languages); // ["en-US", "en"]

  • cookieEnabled: Returns a boolean value indicating whether cookies are enabled in the browser.

    console.log(navigator.cookieEnabled); // true or false

  • onLine: Returns a boolean value indicating whether the browser is online.

    console.log(navigator.onLine); // true or false

  • hardwareConcurrency: Returns the number of logical processors available to the browser.

    console.log(navigator.hardwareConcurrency); // e.g., 4

  • deviceMemory: Returns the amount of device memory in gigabytes.

    console.log(navigator.deviceMemory); // e.g., 8

  • maxTouchPoints: Returns the maximum number of simultaneous touch contact points supported by the device.

    console.log(navigator.maxTouchPoints); // e.g., 10


  • javaEnabled(): Returns a boolean value indicating whether Java is enabled in the browser.

    console.log(navigator.javaEnabled()); // true or false

  • vibrate(pattern): Causes the device to vibrate. The `pattern` parameter can be a single number or an array of numbers representing vibration and pause intervals.

    navigator.vibrate(200); // Vibrate for 200 milliseconds
    navigator.vibrate([200, 100, 200]); // Vibrate for 200ms, pause for 100ms, vibrate for 200ms

  • sendBeacon(url, data): Sends a small amount of data to a web server asynchronously. This method is useful for sending analytics data.

    navigator.sendBeacon('/log', JSON.stringify({ event: 'page_load' }));

  • getBattery(): Returns a promise that resolves with a `BatteryManager` object containing information about the battery's charging status.

    navigator.getBattery().then(function(battery) {
      console.log(battery.level); // e.g., 0.92 for 92%

  • getUserMedia(): Prompts the user for permission to use media input which produces a `MediaStream` object. This method is commonly used for accessing the camera and microphone.

    navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: true })
      .then(function (stream) {
        // Do something with the stream
      .catch(function (err) {
        console.log( + ": " + err.message);

  • clipboard: Provides access to the clipboard (for read and write operations). Available under the `navigator.clipboard` object.

    navigator.clipboard.writeText("Hello, World!").then(function() {
      console.log('Text copied to clipboard');
    }).catch(function(err) {
      console.error('Could not copy text: ', err);

  • Geolocation API: The Geolocation API is part of the Navigator API and provides web applications with access to the device's geographical location.
  • getCurrentPosition(success, error, options): Asynchronously retrieves the device's current position.

    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (position) {
      console.log('Latitude: ' + position.coords.latitude);
      console.log('Longitude: ' + position.coords.longitude);
    }, function (error) {
      console.error('Error occurred: ' + error.message);

  • watchPosition(success, error, options): Continuously retrieves the device's current position.

    var watchId = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(function (position) {
      console.log('Latitude: ' + position.coords.latitude);
      console.log('Longitude: ' + position.coords.longitude);
    }, function (error) {
      console.error('Error occurred: ' + error.message);

    // To stop watching

  • Conclusion: The Navigator API is a powerful tool for accessing information about the browser and the device it runs on. It includes various properties and methods to gather data and perform actions like getting the user’s geographical location, checking connectivity, and even accessing the clipboard. Understanding and utilizing the Navigator API allows developers to create more dynamic and responsive web applications.

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