bcryptjs npm package

  • The `bcryptjs` npm package is a library for hashing passwords using the bcrypt algorithm in JavaScript, particularly in Node.js environments. It is a pure JavaScript implementation of bcrypt, which makes it highly portable and easy to use without requiring native bindings or dependencies, unlike the `bcrypt` package that relies on C++ bindings.
Here is a detailed explanation of the `bcryptjs` package:
  • Installation: To install the `bcryptjs` package, you can use npm:

    npm install bcryptjs

  • Features: Here is the list of features.
  • No Dependencies: Pure JavaScript implementation, which means it doesn't need any native modules or compilation.
  • Cross-Platform: Works consistently across different platforms and environments.
  • Compatibility: Compatible with the bcrypt algorithm used in other libraries and platforms.
  • Security: Provides a secure way to hash and compare passwords.
  • Hashing Passwords: To hash a password, you can use the `hash` function. This function takes the password and a salt (or a number of rounds to generate a salt) and returns a hashed password.

    const bcrypt = require('bcryptjs');

    const password = 'myPassword123';
    const saltRounds = 10;

    bcrypt.hash(password, saltRounds, function (err, hash) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log('Hashed password:', hash);

  • You can also use the synchronous version:

    const hash = bcrypt.hashSync(password, saltRounds);
    console.log('Hashed password:', hash);

  • Comparing Passwords: To compare a plaintext password with a hashed password, you can use the `compare` function. This function takes the plaintext password and the hashed password and returns a boolean indicating if they match.

    bcrypt.compare(password, hash, function (err, result) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log('Password matches:', result);

  • The synchronous version:

    const result = bcrypt.compareSync(password, hash);
    console.log('Password matches:', result);

  • Salting: Salting is a process of adding a unique value (salt) to the password before hashing it. This makes it more secure by ensuring that even if two users have the same password, their hashes will be different.
  • Generating a Salt: You can generate a salt using the `genSalt` function. This function takes the number of rounds as an argument, which determines the computational complexity of generating the salt.

    bcrypt.genSalt(saltRounds, function (err, salt) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log('Generated salt:', salt);

  • The synchronous version:

    const salt = bcrypt.genSaltSync(saltRounds);
    console.log('Generated salt:', salt);

  • Best Practices:
  • Use a sufficient number of salt rounds: A higher number of rounds increases the security but also the computation time. 10-12 rounds are commonly used values.
  • Do not use synchronous functions in production: The synchronous functions block the event loop, which can be detrimental in a high-load environment.
  • Store the hashed password, not the plaintext: Always store the hashed version of passwords in your database, never the plaintext.
  • Example: Here is a complete example of hashing and verifying a password using bcryptjs:

    const bcrypt = require('bcryptjs');

    const password = 'myPassword123';
    const saltRounds = 10;

    // Hash the password
    bcrypt.hash(password, saltRounds, function (err, hash) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log('Hashed password:', hash);

        // Compare the password with the hash
        bcrypt.compare(password, hash, function (err, result) {
            if (err) throw err;
            console.log('Password matches:', result); // true

  • In this example, the password is first hashed and then verified to see if it matches the hashed version. This demonstrates the typical workflow when handling user passwords in an application.
  • Summary: The `bcryptjs` package is a robust and reliable solution for hashing and verifying passwords in JavaScript applications. Its pure JavaScript implementation ensures ease of use and compatibility across different environments, making it a popular choice for developers needing secure password hashing.

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