- Here’s a detailed Table of Contents (TOC) for your TypeScript tutorial series, covering concepts from basic to advanced. The structure follows a progressive learning path, ensuring your audience builds a solid foundation before moving on to advanced topics.
1. Introduction to TypeScript
- What is TypeScript?
- Why use TypeScript over JavaScript?
- Installing TypeScript
- Setting up TypeScript in a project
- Compiling TypeScript to JavaScript
- TypeScript vs. JavaScript: Key Differences
2. Basic Types
- Primitive Types: 'number', 'string', 'boolean', 'null', 'undefined'
- Array and Tuple Types
- Any, Unknown, Never Types
- Type Inference and Explicit Typing
3. Functions in TypeScript
- Basic Function Types and Signatures
- Optional and Default Parameters
- Rest Parameters
- Function Overloading
- Arrow Functions
4. Interfaces and Object Types
- Defining Interfaces
- Optional and Readonly Properties
- Extending Interfaces
- Intersection Types
- Type Assertions
5. Classes and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Classes: Basics and Constructors
- Inheritance and Super
- Access Modifiers: 'public', 'private', 'protected'
- Static Properties and Methods
- Getters and Setters
- Abstract Classes
6. Advanced Types
- Union and Intersection Types
- Literal Types
- Type Aliases
- Type Guards and Type Narrowing
- Discriminated Unions
- Type Compatibility and Subtype Polymorphism
7. Enums in TypeScript
- Numeric Enums
- String Enums
- Heterogeneous Enums
- Enum Member Types
8. Generics
- Introduction to Generics
- Generic Functions
- Generic Classes
- Generic Constraints
- Using 'keyof' and 'typeof' with Generics
9. Modules and Namespaces
- Working with ES Modules in TypeScript
- Export and Import Statements
- Namespaces vs. Modules
- Code Splitting and Modularization
10. TypeScript with JavaScript Libraries
- Using '.d.ts' Files
- Working with Third-Party JavaScript Libraries
- @types Definitions for Popular Libraries
- Mixing TypeScript and JavaScript
11. TypeScript Compiler (tsc) Configuration
- Configuring tsconfig.json
- Key Compiler Options
- Strict Type Checking Options
- Incremental Compilation
12. Asynchronous Programming in TypeScript
- Promises in TypeScript
- Async/Await with TypeScript
- Error Handling with Async Functions
- Typed Promises
13. TypeScript with React
- TypeScript Basics with React
- Typing Functional Components
- Typing Props and State
- Using Hooks with TypeScript (useState, useEffect, etc.)
- Typing Events and Forms in React
14. TypeScript with Node.js
- Setting up TypeScript with Node.js
- Working with Type Definitions in Node.js
- Building Express Apps with TypeScript
- Handling Asynchronous Operations with Node.js and TypeScript
15. TypeScript with Frameworks and Tools
- TypeScript with Next.js
- TypeScript with Angular
- TypeScript with Vue.js
- TypeScript with Redux
16. Advanced TypeScript Concepts
- Conditional Types
- Mapped Types
- Template Literal Types
- Utility Types ('Partial', 'Required', 'Pick', 'Omit')
- Recursive Types
17. Error Handling and Debugging
- Common TypeScript Errors
- Debugging TypeScript Code
- Linting TypeScript with ESLint
- Using TypeScript with Prettier
18. Testing in TypeScript
- Unit Testing with TypeScript
- Using Jest with TypeScript
- Mocking and Assertions in TypeScript Tests
- Integration Testing with TypeScript
19. TypeScript Project Best Practices
- Organizing a TypeScript Project
- Code Documentation and Comments
- Type-Safe API Calls
- Optimizing Build and Compilation Times
20. Deploying TypeScript Applications
- Building for Production
- Transpiling and Bundling TypeScript with Webpack or Vite
- Deploying TypeScript Apps to Cloud Platforms (Vercel, Netlify, etc.)
21. TypeScript Performance and Optimization
- Optimizing TypeScript Code for Performance
- Tree Shaking with TypeScript
- Improving Compilation Speed
- Memory Management and Efficient Type Checking
Bonus Topics (Optional for Advanced Audience)
- Decorator Patterns in TypeScript
- Meta-Programming with TypeScript
- TypeScript and GraphQL
- TypeScript for Large-Scale Applications
- Migrating Legacy JavaScript to TypeScript
- This structure ensures that learners can move from the very basics of TypeScript to more complex, real-world applications. You can adjust the depth of each topic based on the target audience, including code examples, projects, or exercises in each section to make the tutorial more interactive.